Prostitcher Introduction - zOOM
Prostitcher Introduction -ZOOM 3hour session
Have you had your machine for a few weeks, or 10 years? This class will be all about navigation on the buttons you might be afraid to press. It will also cover quilt managment to align your quilt just right the entire process with less puckers and drifts. We will also cover many problem solving techniques that will get you through your quilts with ease each time.
This class is a great over view if you use your machine daily and a great class if you are scared to use it on a daily basis.
Susan Manry is a professional Handi Quilter Educator who focuses on Prostither. She will be zooming with us on these topics. You can do this from your home and it will be recorded as well so when you are ready to tackle the step you can refer to her video and your questions you had. There will also be hand outs and lessons.
This class is good for All Prostitcher useres Handi Quilter, Janome and Baby Lock
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